
Jiu-Jitsu is a Great Way to Live a Focused, Happy and Successful Life

If you’re a busy person with a hectic schedule, you know how hard it can be to find time to work out and do the things that actually matter. So much of your life is filled with busy work and self-imposed stress. Jiu-Jitsu helps you relieve all that stress, while improving your focus, happiness and overall well-being.

It teaches you you’re not alone

Jiu Jitsu teaches you that you’re not alone in your struggles. It is a sport in which two people compete against each other, but it can be very difficult to win without help from your opponent.

You will learn how to use leverage, balance and torque for greater control over your opponent. This allows you to use less strength while still achieving the same outcome as if you were using more strength than necessary.

Jiu Jitsu improves flexibility as well as strength and endurance levels. You will learn how to stretch properly so you don’t hurt yourself or others while practicing or competing in this sport.

It teaches you to be present

Jiu jitsu is a martial art that teaches you to be present. It teaches you to look at the world through a different lens and it teaches you to let go of your fears. It teaches you to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations and to be able to make decisions on the fly.

It teaches you to respect the process

In most martial arts, you’re taught moves that look great but don’t work against an experienced opponent who knows how to counter them. With jiu jitsu, on the other hand, you learn techniques that work against every conceivable attack an opponent can throw at you — as long as you practice them enough times until they’re second nature.”

It teaches you that life isn’t fair

Jiu-Jitsu is the study of leverage and control. It teaches you that life isn’t fair, that sometimes you will get thrown to the ground and have to fight from there. It teaches you that you can be in a bad situation but that if you work hard enough, and learn from all your mistakes, then next time it won’t be so bad.

It teaches you to never give up no matter what happens. Whether you are getting beat up or just having a bad day, just keep going until the end. Jiu-Jitsu is a philosophy as well as an art, it takes patience and determination to do well in this sport.

It teaches you that higher belt does not always equal better

Jiu Jitsu teaches you that higher belt does not always equal better. This is something I’ve learned from my own experience as well as watching other people train. When you start training in some styles of martial arts (especially those with belts), it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that only certain people have a certain color belt or rank because they were born into the right family or trained longer than you did or something like that. Instead of trying to prove how good you are by being better than everyone else, try focusing on being better yourself instead!

It teaches you how to learn from failure and disappointment

f someone gets the better of you during practice, you can’t just give up and walk away; instead, you must analyze what happened so that next time around when someone tries that same move on you again, it won’t work anymore because now you know how to counter it!

It teaches you to go for the long game

There’s no point in trying to use brute force against someone who has been training for years longer than you have. Instead, it’s about using your opponent’s energy against him or her to get out of a bad situation.

I hope it’s clear by now that I think the martial arts are a great way to live a focused, happy, and successful life. I believe that if you have been questioning whether or not to take up jiu-jitsu, take the time to consider all of your options and my thoughts above on why jiu-jitsu is so beneficial. Why do you train? What goals do you have? How can jiu-jitsu help you achieve them?


Jiu-Jitsu As A Great Way To Quiet The Mind

One of the greatest challenges I have had in my life has been quieting my mind. I wouldn’t say that I am a naturally anxious person, but it’s difficult to stay focused on one task at a time. Jiu-Jitsu has been one tool that I have used along with others to help quiet the mind. In fact, it is still one of the best ways to quiet the mind that I have found so far.

Jiu-Jitsu forces you to live in the present

When you’re on the mat, there are no distractions and nothing else matters except what’s happening right now. All other thoughts disappear and all that’s left is the fight. There’s no time for worrying about tomorrow or what happened yesterday. All that exists is now, and you have to deal with it.

Your mind is constantly occupied, but not overwhelmed

Your mind is constantly occupied, but not overwhelmed. You are thinking about what you need to do next, how you will execute this technique, how you can get out of this position and so on. Your mind is active but not distracted.

This is what makes jiu-jitsu so relaxing and meditative: the fact that you are focusing on something specific and concrete means that your thoughts are not wandering all over the place. You don’t have time for that when you’re sparring or drilling techniques. You must be present in these moments because it’s only in these moments that you truly learn anything worthwhile in jiu-jitsu.

Jiu jitsu can also give you perspective on problems you might be having in your daily life

It’s hard to have the same perspective when you are dealing with something that is happening right now. When you are dealing with a problem, it feels very real, and it seems like the only thing that matters. But when you step away from it and try to look at it from another angle, it can help you see where you could improve your situation.

When I was in college, I had a really hard time making friends or even talking to people. This was especially difficult because I lived in a dorm where everyone lived on their own floor and didn’t interact much outside of class time. So I decided to start going to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes at night after my last class ended at 9pm (the school didn’t offer any other activities).

I ended up making friends with some of the guys who were training there and we would go out together afterwards for food or drinks. They were all great guys and helped me become more comfortable socializing with other people.

Practicing patience

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that patience is key. Jiu-Jitsu is an art and a science, and it takes time to learn. No matter how hard you work at it, there are always going to be areas where you’re weaker than others and need to focus more time on improving them.

The more time you spend training, the better you’ll become. But even then, there will always be things that you need to work on improving. So don’t get discouraged if you find yourself getting beat up by someone who has been training for less time than you have!

The Importance of Breathing

Breath is the most important part of Jiu Jitsu. It is the key to survival and the key to success. In Jiu Jitsu, you are constantly put in situations that can kill you if you don’t breathe correctly.

Breathing is something we do without thinking about it. However, there are many times when we hold our breath or take shallow breaths without even realizing it! This is especially true during stressful situations where your body is trying to conserve oxygen for other purposes such as running away from a predator or fighting for your life because you’ve been attacked by someone bigger than you.

Breath training is one of the most important things that you can do in Jiu Jitsu. Not only does it help keep your body calm and relaxed but it also helps improve your performance by increasing blood flow to the muscles that need it most and eliminating waste products that build up when we hold our breath too long or take shallow breaths during exercise.

Jiu-Jitsu is truly a great way to quiet the mind. When you are grappling with someone, or being thrown to the floor with no control, you can’t keep up with all the thoughts running through your head. It’s impossible. The focus required to ‘work’ in BJJ takes over, and in my experience, can be much deeper than just the physical exertion. You may occasionally experience adrenaline rushes and get that endorphin high, but those moments when you make a breakthrough on the mat will leave you with a sense of peace unlike anything else.


When you walk into a BJJ gym for the first time…

When you walk into a new BJJ gym for the first time, it can be an intimidating experience. You have no idea what to expect. You will see people doing moves you’ve never even heard of before…and on top of that, you’ll probably feel a bit self-conscious about how new you are. The thing is, it’s ok! This article will give you some helpful hints to help you make your first trip to a BJJ gym smooth and productive.

It won’t be as scary as you think

The best advice I can give to anyone starting their jiu-jitsu journey is, just come in. Just walk through the door. I know it can be daunting, you might not know what to expect, and you might be scared, but trust me, it won’t be as scary as you think.

A lot of people have told me they have been thinking about trying BJJ for a while but they are too nervous or they don’t know what to expect or they are scared they will look like an idiot. So here is what you should expect:

First of all, everyone has that same fear when they start out. Everyone feels like a complete beginner at first and everyone makes mistakes. Even if your teammates have been training together for a long time and seem so close, you will soon become part of that family as well. And even if you are an absolute beginner who doesn’t know anything yet, your teammates will respect you for stepping foot on the mats and trying something new even though it’s intimidating.

You will notice that most gyms start off with a warmup and some drills before sparring starts which is great because this gives you the chance to get used to being on the mats and moving around without the pressure of sparring with someone yet.

You’ll have fun

The most important thing is to have fun. I know this seems corny, but it’s true. You’re about to be exposed to something new, different and exciting; take advantage of it. Try not to compare yourself to other people who may seem better than you, just focus on learning. It doesn’t matter if you never become an expert at jiu-jitsu, it only matters that you enjoy the experience of learning it.

You’ll learn something, even if it’s not about jiu jitsu

You’ll learn that there are people who want to help you.

You’ll learn to ask questions.

You’ll learn to fall.

You’ll learn that you’re stronger than you think you are.

You’ll learn that it’s ok to be nervous about talking to people.

You’ll learn that it’s ok to be uncomfortable when you have to wear a gi for the first time and feel like a muppet in sweatpants.

You’ll learn that it’s ok if you’re not flexible, or fast, or strong yet. You can get better.

You’ll learn the difference between feeling awkward and being awkward (you’re only awkward when you feel awkward).

You’ll learn how to deal with frustration, because jiu jitsu is hard and it won’t always work out for you at first.

Don’t worry about tapping out–it’s expected that you’ll tap out!

You’re not expected to be good when you start. You’re really going to get tapped out a lot.

One of the first things they’ll teach you is how to tap out – because it’s important to know when to submit, and when not to. People are going to be trying to make you tap out all the time, and it’s not necessarily because they’re being mean, or trying to hurt you. They’re just learning too, and you’re both practicing on each other. And sometimes people will do things that are dangerous without knowing it; if they don’t know how hard they can pull on your arm without hurting it, for example, you need to be able to tell them that they should ease off a bit.

Just try your best not to let the tapping out get you down. It’s a humbling experience, but it’ll make you better in the long run!

Your first class can be intimidating, but chances are you’re going to have a good time

The key takeaway from this could be that if you’re going to try BJJ, go with an open mind. The people at a typical BJJ gym vary in age, size, and physical ability. If you’re nervous because you aren’t sure whether or not you’ll be good at it, just don’t worry about it—no one expects you to be a black belt right away. As long as you go in with an open mind, I guarantee that you’re going to have a great time and make friends who will support you along the way. And I can almost guarantee that after attending one class, you’ll feel a new kind of freedom—the freedom that comes from having mastered your own body and the confidence to throw it around against others.


You just added Jiu Jitsu to your workout routine. You’re welcome.

If you’re a fan of learning new, practical skills, consider adding jiu-jitsu to your workout routine. It can be just as fun as it is challenging. Jiu-jitsu training is a great method of self-defense, but it also helps you retain balance and develop agility. 

Also, training in jiu-jitsu is a great way to learn more about yourself. By training with other people and pairing off against them, you can interact with other people and embrace the positives that they offer while working on the negative traits in yourself. 

You’ll also find yourself being able to work together with others toward a common goal; this will help you build positive relationships with others.

Jiu jitsu is a great way to stay in shape because it combines cardio and strength training

You might think that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu only involves fighting, but it’s actually a great way to stay in shape. By combining cardio and strength training, this martial art gets your heart rate up while toning your muscles.

This intense workout is also the best self-defense system you can find. In a dangerous situation, you can use the momentum of an attacker against them — no matter how big — and defend yourself. And because BJJ focuses on getting out of holds and chokes instead of landing punches, there’s less risk of serious injury to either person involved.

This workout is a great way to relieve stress and improve your mental health as well as your physical state. Jiu-jitsu encourages patience, compassion and discipline both on the mat and off. You’ll learn better focus, balance and control over your mind and body.

Jiu jitsu is appropriate for all ages, genders, sizes and fitness levels

Jiu jitsu has nothing to do with how strong you are, or how fast you are, it’s all about leverage. People of all ages can benefit from jiu jitsu, because it’s not about strength, it’s about technique.

In fact, many young people are actually at a disadvantage in jiu jitsu because they don’t have the leverage that an older person will have when applying certain moves.

Jiu Jitsu is appropriate for all ages, genders, sizes and fitness levels.

When it comes to fitness, jiu jitsu teaches you how to approach your workout and how to achieve your goals

When it comes to fitness, jiu jitsu teaches you how to approach your workout and how to achieve your goals. Here are the lessons I learned from jiu jitsu that will help you in any fitness journey:

1. Be consistent

No matter what school of jiu-jitsu you’re in, consistency is key. The only way to become a black belt is to keep going, no matter how much you win or lose. In order to get better at something, you have to get up every day and practice.

2. Failure is OK

It’s hard not to take failure personally, especially when it’s recorded for the world to see on social media. But failure is actually a valuable learning experience. If you’ve never failed at something before, that means you haven’t been trying hard enough! Every time I lose at BJJ (which happens a lot), I practice harder so that I can do better next time.

3. Surround yourself with like-minded people

If you hang around people who are lazy or make excuses for their lack of exercise, it’s likely that you’ll start acting like them. When everyone around you is dedicated and motivated about working out, it makes staying committed much easier!

You can take your training as far as you want

We’ve all had those days when we just don’t feel like going to the gym.

But on the days that you do make it there, you can go as far as your fitness level allows. You can choose to run a little farther or lift a little more — or you can slow down and take it easy.

The same is true in jiu-jitsu, but the limiting factors are different. You are only limited by your body’s ability to move itself and others, so if you want to work on self-defense techniques, you can choose to train very hard against an opponent who is trying to throw strikes at you. You might even get hit every once in a while — but it’s worth it because it allows you to train in context and develop skills that will keep you safer outside of the gym.

Conversely, if you want to focus on developing your grappling technique, then you may want to train with someone who is less aggressive and more focused on technique. This type of training is much slower and more subtle, but if that’s what you want, then this is how you should roll.

Jiu jitsu is a great addition to your workout routine

Over the past few years, jiu jitsu has quickly become one of the most popular martial arts. It’s an excellent workout and a fun way to get some exercise.

“Jiu jitsu is a great addition to your workout routine,” says Saulo Ribiero, a Brazilian jiu jitsu practitioner who has won several world championships. “It’s a great way to stay in shape, and it’s also good for weight loss.”

Jiu Jitsu offers many health benefits. It builds muscle, burns fat and tones your body.

According to Ribiero, the best thing about practicing Jiu Jitsu is that you can do it at any age. “You don’t have to be young or healthy,” he says. “You just need to start.”